Terms of Use

Last version: 05/10/2022

These terms of service below rules the use of this website

By accessing it, you agree to these terms. Please review our terms of service regularly.

Preliminary Information

This website and all its content (https://www.cristina.com.br/) are the exclusive property of the Legal Entity MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA, holder of CNPJ: 82.663.337/0001-43, with address at Rua Doutor Pedro Zimmermann, 2833 - Galpão 1 e 2 - Itoupavazinha - Blumenau/SC – Zip Code 89066-003, Brazil
1. The User is the individual or legal entity that accessed the Website and therefore acknowledges and accepts these Terms of Use as an electronic Contract.
Attention! By accessing the website and/or purchasing any product or service through it, you are declaring that you are aware of and agree unrestrictedly, irrevocably and irrevocably with the entire content of this digital contract Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
If you disagree with any part of this term, you should not access this website or purchase any service related herein.
It is important to emphasize that, due to commercial dynamics as well as current legislation, MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA, at its sole discretion, may change the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this website, without prior notice, and it is the user's sole responsibility to constantly visit this page.
3. Any tolerance by MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA regarding the non-compliance of any obligation provided for in this contract Terms of Use and in the website's Privacy Policy does not imply novation or waiver of the right to demand compliance with the obligation.
It is important to note that some digital products, services and/or content offered by MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA are subject to specific electronic contracts, and this instrument, in these specific cases, should be treated as supplementary.

Use of the website

4. By using the website, you are aware that the content made available here, whether in writing or any form of media, including images, videos and voice, are the result of the intellect of the professionals of MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA, and, therefore, constitute the intellectual property of the company and/or them.
5. The provision of content to the end user, whether free of charge or for a fee, never occurs through sale and purchase or any other form of definitive transfer of ownership.
The user, therefore, declares to be aware that when accessing the content of the website, he/she is doing so through a mere transfer, of a precarious and temporary nature, of the right of use. For this reason, you are prohibited from downloading videos and/or audios, copying and/or plagiarizing content, reverse engineering, and/or downloading material not made available under penalty of being liable for financial damages, lost profits, moral damages due to improper use of image, voice and/or intellectual property without prejudice to other sanctions, including criminal ones.
7. The prohibition extends even if the act aims to obtain a copy for exclusive personal use.
8. The user may not use any data present on the website for advertising or publicity purposes, directly or indirectly, even if free of charge and without commercial purposes, without prior request and consent from MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA


9. All rights related to this website are reserved by MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA, including, but not limited to, texts, images, audios, videos and any other content. All brands presented here are from MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA or from partner companies, affiliates, suppliers or refer to products for which we have the appropriate marketing license.
10. The user of the website is strictly prohibited from: reproducing, using, copying, distributing, allowing public access, purchasing the right to access any course collectively (Group Buy), making our content available to the general public free of charge or for a fee, transforming, plagiarizing, or modifying in any way the content of MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA, unless prior written authorization is obtained from the holder of the corresponding rights.
11. It is strictly prohibited to market or make available the content of MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA without the appropriate written authorization, including on websites such as Mercado Livre, Mercado Pago, OLX, or even in WhatsApp, Telegram or social media groups. This act is considered piracy and, in addition to civil sanctions (patrimonial damages, loss of profits and moral damages), is punishable as a crime under the Criminal Law.

Limitation of Liability

12. Users who disagree, in whole or in part, with the Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use published here are prohibited from accessing the content of the website.
13. Given the inherent characteristics of the Internet environment, it is possible that connection interruptions or suspensions may occur, incomplete or failed computer transmissions, as well as technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to, the electronic malfunction of any network, hardware or software, or even user equipment.


14. All contact by users of MALHARIA CRISTINA LTDA must be made through the contact channel on the website http://www.cristina.com.br/

General Provisions

15. Any questions or requests related to these Terms of Use or the website's Privacy Policy must be sent through the page: http://www.cristina.com.br/
16. To definitively resolve any questions regarding the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, as well as the use of the website or infringement of Intellectual Property rights, the jurisdiction of the District of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil is elected to the detriment of any other, however privileged it may be.
Social networks – We can also maintain contact through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik- tok, Pinterest, X, WhatsApp. If you are linked to me in any of them, we ensure that no image or information will be used without prior authorization.


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